

The P-cube Policy game is developed as part of the Erasmus+ project P-cube. This educational game is an adapted digital version of the physical card game created by Professor Bruno Dente.

The game has the purpose to help students in learning how decisions in the public sphere are taken and therefore which kind of decisional strategies policy entrepreneurs can employ. Students are presented different cases where they have to make decisions on how to tackle the issue by choosing between various policy strategies, where bringing together the right actors is one of the most important steps. The game also includes a modular CMS where teachers can create their own cases.

In the CMS the teachers can create a scenario which consists of different missions or cases. Each mission can consists of different strategies. The teacher can decide that the player can choose one of the strategies to play through or play them all by using modules. There are 4 modules: actor distribution module, multiple-choice module, strategy choice module and the information module. The actor distribution module asks the player to divide the different presented actors in different groups based on their stance to the described policy (supporting, opposing or inactive). Each actor brings different resources to the mission. These can be economical, political, knowledge or legal.

Through playing the different created scenarios or missions students learn about the different policy strategies and which ones are most effective depending on the context and actors.

More information about the game and the project can be found at https://www.p-cube-project.eu/.
On the homepage there is also a sign-up form if you want to host and / or create your own missions in the P-cube game.
The game has 4 scenario’s already playable: urban innovation, social inclusion, science and public policy, and EU decision making.


Doris Boschma

Gracia Bovenberg-Murris

Shaga Eendragt

Simon Tiemersma


Politecnico di Milano

Science for Democracy

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Unversité du Luxembourg

Fondazione Politecnico di Milano

European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA)


Subject: Public Policy
